How To Use Our Healthy Monday Resources

Do you want to empower yourself and your community through improved health and wellness? You’ve come to the right place. Our free resources can help you create or implement a health program in no time. With the support of our academic experts, we’ve developed a suite of easy-to-use health messaging and materials tailored to a range of ages and ability levels. The theory is that reinforcing healthy habits every Monday makes it easier for participants to stay committed and focused on their long-term wellness goals.

For Individuals:

  1. Explore Our Resources: Browse our library of research, creative materials, and health messaging.
  2. Choose a Program: Select a turnkey program that aligns with your health goals.
  3. Get Started: Download the materials or sign-up for the email series to begin your health journey.

For Organizations:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Identify the health needs of your employees or community.
  2. Select a Program: Choose the materials or program that aligns with the goals of your community, organization, or institution.
  3. Implement and Monitor: Use our resources to implement the program and track its progress.


Monday Refresh Calendar

For best results, we encourage anyone who’s using our materials to integrate them according to our weekly Healthy Monday Refresh concept. Building in this weekly motivation can help program participants establish a pattern of healthy behavior that can lead to better long-term health.

Our body of research describes how using a weekly Monday cue can help start and sustain health behavior. If you want to add this weekly Monday cue to the existing programs at your organization, explore our portfolio of Monday-focused packages and practices that address different health behaviors, such as stress management, physical activity, plant-forward eating, and tobacco cessation.

Whether you're looking for tips on plant-based nutrition, physical activity routines, mindfulness practices, stress reduction techniques, or sleep support, we have what you need to achieve all of your wellness goals. Start your journey to better health today!