Frequently Asked Questions

Who benefits from Healthy Monday?

Healthy Monday is for people who want to improve their health while working toward long-term wellness goals. The activities, practices, and messaging are designed for individuals of all backgrounds and organizations of all sizes.

Why is The Monday Campaigns now Healthy Monday?

The Monday Campaigns is entering a new and exciting phase, with several core partners taking the lead in spreading the Monday movement. The existing Monday Campaigns resources are being distributed across academic and institutional partners and will still be available for download and general use. Syracuse University will oversee the Healthy Monday website, social media, and email newsletters, which include practices and programs from the DeStress Monday and Move It Monday campaigns. Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future will oversee Meatless Monday. Please contact us with any questions.

Where can I find Destress Monday resources?

Destress Monday resources can be found under “stress management” on the Resources page or the Find a Program page.

Where can I find Move It Monday resources?

Move It Monday resources can be found under “physical activity” on the Resources page or the Find a Program page.

Where can I find Meatless Monday resources?

You can find Meatless Monday resources at the new Meatless Monday Resource Center.

What is a program or package?

A package is a collection of resources on a certain topic. This includes graphics and articles. The package is a zip folder of graphics that can be downloaded and used in conjunction with articles on the Healthy Monday website. 

A program or package can also be offered as an email series. The email series will send resources to your inbox weekly for the duration of the program.

Can I customize a program for my organization?

Yes. You can customize a program or create your own package or collection of resources to disseminate to your organization or community. For help creating a customized program, please contact us.

Can I still share campaign graphics with my organization?

Yes, if you have downloaded packages in the past, you may still share the graphics with your organization or community. If you have additional questions, please email us.