DeStress for Success

Stress Management for College and University Students

College is stressful—and students know it. Between new financial burdens, absence of parental oversight, thousands of new schoolmates, and a huge amount of life-altering knowledge, you’ve got yourself a serious recipe for stress.

That’s why it’s so important that colleges offer programs that help their student body deal with pressure, anxiety, and stress.

The DeStress for Success program was created using stress management resources from Healthy Monday at the Syracuse University Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health as a response to the rising mental health concerns amongst college students.


Program Option 1: DeStress for Success In-person Program (5 weeks) 

From gratitude journaling to mindfulness to deep breathing, the DeStress for Success curriculum offers solutions to common college-life problems and challenges. Workshops are recommended to be held on Mondays—the day people are most likely to engage in healthy behaviors—for a duration of 60 minutes (5 sessions total). 

To bring the DeStress for Success program to your college or university, please read our program guide and fill out the form here


Program Option 2: DeStress for Success Email Series (8 weeks)

This automated email series was developed to incorporate the same themes, topics, and learning objectives as the DeStress for Success in-person program into an accessible digital format. By subscribing, students will receive resources directly to their inboxes every Monday morning for the duration of the program. We recommend you promote and share the series sign-up link (here) through multiple communication channels.

Sign up here.